Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Friday, September 2, 2016

Milani Lipsticks

Hello guys. So today I thought I would share with you, one of my favorite brands of lipstick. A while back I purchased a Milani lipstick from Wal-Greens because I was in need of a red lipstick. I went home, put it on, and instantly fell in love. After that I have slowly built up a small collection of different shades from this brand and I would say I use at least one of the shades everyday. 

Currently, I have bought about 10 different shades and I love them all. My favorite thing about them is their smell. I don't know what it is, but they all smell amazing. It's not the usual lipstick smell that some of the Revlon or L'Oreal has and it's amazing. They all apply very well and have great pigment. It lasts very long and I usually use them either by itself or with a little bit of chapstick underneath. I will say that the matte ones do dry up a bit more than the other ones, but that is what matte lipsticks tend to do. 

If you are interested in the lipsticks you can check out all of them here. Click on each color and I think I have linked the website for them. Once in the website you can click on each color and it shows you the name and number of the shade. 

I currently use the Matte Beauty, Matte Naked, and Pretty Natural since it's summer. Once it gets towards fall and winter time, I will use Sangria, Matte Fearless, Best Red, and Black Cherry more. I also like to use the Fruit Punch and Uptown Mauve more during the spring time. 

If you get any of the Milani lipsticks or already have them let me know what your thoughts are on them. Do you have any shades that I don't? Any recommendations? Also if there's other brands that you prefer more let me know and I would love to try them. You can never have too many lipsticks! 

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Hello, hello, hello. So today I thought I would share and compare a product that I purchased a while back.

The product I want to talk about is a perfume by Chanel, Eau Fraiche Eau De Toilette: I usually use my Versace Bright Crystal and I love that perfume like no other, but whilst looking through my email, I found a mail from Sephora saying that there was a 3x points on the perfumes, so what does a normal sane person do? They buy more perfumes, of course. Now I've known about this perfume for a very long time. I had a cousin who had a some of the Chanel perfumes and I remember I loved the green one. I went to Sephora, tried it on, fell in love, and purchased it. It costs $100 for a 3.4oz from Sephora without tax. Now I have been using this for most days since I got it. I love it, but I want to compare it to the Versace one that I had.

They both smell amazing in my opinion. The Versace one is very feminine and it smells more of flowers but like a sexy flower. The Chanel one is much more sexy and mature. I will say that I like the scent of the Versace a bit more, but the Chanel lasts much longer. I usually do about 2 sprits and the Versace one lasts about 4-ish hours and then it becomes vague, like you can't really tell if it's there, but at the same time you get a hint of it somewhere. Whereas the Chanel one lasts about 6-ish hours and then it starts to become vague. I would honestly recommend both, but I would say the Chanel is better in terms of longevity, but it all depends on what you prefer.

I purchased the Chanel perfume back in February and I literally use it everyday, 2 sprits every morning. Right now I have about 4/5 of the bottle left, which is crazy to me. I don't really remember when I bought the Versace one, so I can't compare it to that, but I am still surprised how much of the bottle I still have.

Now would I purchase this product again in the future? I will 100%. BUT I don't think I'll be doing it anytime soon. Not just because it still has a lot left, but because I feel like the scent is a little too mature for me. I might think about repurchasing it in like 5 years when I'm a little older and can pull off the sexy scent, hopefully. I am currently thinking about either repurchasing the Versace one, or finding another scent that is a little more girly and something that smells more like a flower. 

If you guys want to get this perfume or are just interested to see what this perfume looks and smells like, here's the link to the Sephora website, here. If you guys are interested in the Versace perfume, you can click on the link here. Also, if you guys have any perfumes that you love and would recommend, comment it down below and I would love to check it out.

Thank you so much for reading and hopefully I'll get to go hunting for some new perfumes!