Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Great And Wonderful Mall

So I went over to my friends house the other day. Whenever I hang out with her one of three things ALWAYS happens. We either go get coffee, get Chipotle, or go shopping. Yesterday was one of those days where we did all three. Yes, the JOY!!
We went to a couple of different stores and although I found a couple things I kind of liked, I didn't think it was worth it to buy now and pay with my money. I'll just wait until it gets closer to summer time and then my mom will just buy things for me for our trip to India!
Here are some of the things that I really just HAD to buy and it was pretty cheap. 

I got this earring from Forever 21. I am recently really into like boho/indie/gypsy jewelry and I love the crystal ones, so I had to have this. It was super simple and it just spoke out to me and told me to buy it. My friend also really liked it on me, so yeah. This was only $4.99.

This is from a different store. Although I wanted to buy something like this from Forever 21, I couldn't find any. We then went to Dry Goods and I found this. There were a couple different color choices, but this one (turquoise) was more appealing to me. This one was $8.99 and worth it.  

I also went to Lush! Obvs. This one is called the Fizzbanger Ballistic. It is a Bath Bomb and it smells amazing. I can't wait to try it out. This was $5.95

This is called the Love Locket Ballistics, a Bath Bomb. I wanted to buy this the last time I went to Lush, but I had bought so many already I didn't want to get another. And this is HUGEEE. The lady at the store told me I can use it up to three times.  $11.95, which makes sense. 

Now I'm not sure what this smells like, but I had written it down to buy it, so I'm sure it smells like a flower or something. I also thought it looked SUPER cute! It is called Tisty Tosty and it's a Bath Bomb. This one was $6.35. 
This one is called Sakura, a Bath Bomb. It was also on my list. Sadly I must've hit it on something or set it down too hard. It broke a little. But that's ok. This one was $6.45.

This is called the Big Blue, another Bath Bomb. This was another one that I really wanted to get the last time, but decided against it. So I got it this time. It was $6.40.
I hope you guys enjoyed that. I noticed I only got like Bath Bombs this time, which is weird because I LOVE my bubble baths. Let me know which ones are your favorite and if you've used any of them. They are all new to me, so I can't wait to try them out. 

I also want to kind of update you guys on my last Lush products that I got. I've use the Rose Jam Bubbleroon, Creamy Candy Bubble Bar, Bright Side, and the Rose Queen Bath Bomb. 
I am SERIOUSLY in LOVE with the Rose Jam Bubbleroon and the Creamy Candy Bubble Bar. The Rose Jam one left my skin feeling SOOO freaking smooth, like you don't understand. I usually have really dry and bad skin especially during the winter time, so that did wonders to my skin. LOVED it, Recommend it, I will go and purchase more in the future for sure! 
The Creamy Candy one did the same for me as the Rose Jam, but I think this one smells more heavenly for me personally. I usually Hate the smell of bubble gum or candy, but this one was definitely amazing! 
The Rose Queen one was pretty good. I loved the smell. I Love Roses, if you can't tell. It had pieces of petals, twigs, and other bits and bobs, if you're into that. I didn't mind it. Loved that one as well, and I will probably get more of it. 
The Bright Side, I finally figured out which one that was, was good. It was really citrusy and fresh. I was ok with that one. It didn't do wonders to my skin, but didn't hate it. I use it on my little brother since he loves bubble baths and his skin could use a little help as well. This one also doesn't smell to girly, so he likes that.   
I think that's all I've used so far. I broke  a couple of them into pieces since like half of it goes a long way. I used the one for my brother 4 times because it's just that big. 
Hopefully that might give you guys a little more insight to the Lush products, if you guys were curious. 

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