Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Bit Weird

Everyone has habits. I mean there has to be.
There is always something we do when we're nervous, scared, worried, happy, bored, or even all the time. 
For me there are a lot of things I think are weird and maybe could qualify as habits, 
but that's not what I'm here to talk about. I am here to talk about my weirdest and most random habits.
Sometimes I do this when I'm bored. When I need time to pass and don't really care about my surrounding. Other times, I just do it because I can.
And here they are. 
So being a girl means long hair. Being me means long damaged hair. It's not that I don't take care of them, I do. But that's another story. 
With this long hair, I have the access to look at it, especially the ends. Which means, yes you guessed it, split-ends. I have the worst habit of pulling at my split-ends. The minute I remember I have hair, which I do sometimes forget I do have, I have to mess with it. I even somehow manage to do it when I have it up in a pony-tail and a bun. Like I will go through so much, just to play with my hair. I'm not the only one in the world who does that, obvs, but I feel like I pass a limit of doing it. Then at the end of whatever I am doing, I look down at my lap and, of course, I have a pile of hair. GROSS. So I awkwardly try to push it off me without people noticing, which isn't easy when there are a class full of students or room full of people. 
Another weird habit I have is picking at my cuticles. There isn't ever really a time when I'm not picking at my cuticles. I mean, I take care of my nails and stuff, but my cuticles, I swear hates me. It is never not dry. I have gotten like many cuticle creams and stuff, and I even got through a couple weeks using it daily, but that was like high-school. Everyday in my Genocide class my friends would ask for it, so then I would use it too, but ever since high-school ended, I have always had dry cuticles. It's only my middle, pointer, and thumbs that are always dry too. Like why? On both hands. I don't know how to remind myself to keep using the cuticle creams, but god I wish it would stop. 
And the worst one is biting my lips. Now, I'm not talking sexy lip biting. I'm talking full on gnawing on my lips and inner lip/mouth area. I don't really remember how it started. It must've been on a very bad dry lip day or something, but that started and it has gone bad to shit from there. I can't stop. I try and say to myself 'Alrighty, today I'm going to try and not bite my lips', but that doesn't work. I try for a bit then I end up saying 'screw it'. I even made a joke New Year's Resolution to not bite my lips and I have FAILED!!! clearly. I even ran out of gum, which usually keeps my teeth busy, so it's really bad right now. It also doesn't help that it's winter here. 
So those are my super weird and random habits. Well, at least I think they're weird and random, but you might not. What are some of your bad habits? Are you willing to accept it's a bad habit? I don't know. 
Let me know if any of you guys struggle with this And let me know if you have found a way out. Help a sister out!!!  

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