Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why So Weird

Today I thought I would write about something I struggle with in my life. I think I'm not alone on this, so I thought 'I shall share my feelings'. 
My problem: MAJOR LAZINESS!!!
Let's be honest. Even if you're the least lazy person in this world, you just have those days where you don't feel like doing anything. Be honest with yourself. You know you have those days. 
Well, for me. I have a lot of them. It's not something that happens from time to time. It happens EVERYDAY! I don't mean to do it on purpose. I think. I mean there aren't many things a girl can do when she's overly protected by her parents. 
So what I do end up doing is: 
watching movies
watching tv shows
watching youtube videos
doing my nails
doing my make-up
doing nothing
being bored
look at facebook
look at instagram
look at tumblr
go back to facebook
then watch more youtube videos
As fun as that sounds. It's not. I mean sure sometimes you want nothing, but to cuddle up in bed and be a bum. But when you constantly do that every single day. You get TIRED. Like you actually get tired. The amount of times I sigh in a day is pretty much unhealthy. 
Of course I want to change. Of course. I want to do other things. I want to be more active. 
I want to:
go on a walk
go to the gym
go ice-skating
go shopping
go get a life
But it seems impossible at this point. 
So I have decided. I SHALL CONTINUE BEING LAZY. Because let's be honest. One day I'm going to have to be active. I'm going to have to work, take care of my own house, my family, my kids, cook, and clean. So I've decided. Why want all those active things when I can enjoy being lazy when I can actually be lazy. When my time comes, I will change and be all about that crazy busy life, but until then. I WILL BE A BUM, and like it.
So let me know if you guys can relate or not. Judge me? maybe I might change I don't know.... but yeah! I think for the next post I might write about what I wish I would do when I'm bored.
Now I am going to make lemon cake because I'm just a fatty like that. 

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