Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


You guys! It's almost 2015!
I can't believe 2014 is about to end. It literally feels like it just started. Oh well.
Well a New Year means New Year's Resolution!! 
I've never really took it serious, but I want to try hard this year. So here are a couple things I want to do in 2015!
First things first. Lose weight. Well, not technically lose weight, but get in shape. I get told that I am fairly skinny, but I also have a lot of meat on me. My brother calls me the fattest skinny person he knows. Which, I guess, makes sense. So I don't really want to lose weight, but just get more toned. I want to look fit, but not muscular. 
Second thing I want to do is be better in school. Lately I feel like I am just drifting through school. I'm not really trying and I don't care too much about it. I want to be able to spend more time doing my work and dedicating myself to get higher grades. 
Another thing I want to do is work on spending money on things. Whenever I go into a shop, I have to buy something. Whether I need it, want it, or it's the only thing I can find to get, I need to walk out of that store knowing that I purchased something; that my time going there wasn't a waste. Because of this, I have plenty of stupid things I don't really need or want. Then I have buyers remorse. That is the worst thing. Especially if I have either thrown away my receipt or pulled off the tag. It's not a good feeling at all, so I want to work on keeping the money until I really need or want something so I can actually enjoy it later. 
The last thing I want to work on is finding something I really enjoy. Throughout my life I sort of had an idea about what I want to do and what I liked. Whether it was photography, fashion, make-up, knitting, nails, writing, or whatever, I would always start out strong and quit eventually. But this year I want to change that and find something I really like and stick to it. I want to work hard learning and perfecting whatever it is so at least I know something. And even if I don't perfect it, I want to at least find something to enjoy. Which sounds weird because what a person enjoys is whatever they enjoy. It's not something they find and sit perfecting it, but this is me we're talking about, so life has to be difficult. 
I don't know if I will be able to do any of these. I've honestly never attempted doing a New Year's Resolution, but I want to start. Let me know if you have and how it worked out for you. 

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