Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Shopping Spree

It's the best thing ever. Whether it's for clothes, make-up, shoes, or little knick-knacks, it always makes me happy. 
I don't know if its just me or what, but when someone takes me to a store and says 'Alright, buy whatever you want', I panic. I freak out and can't find a single thing I like. I walk around the whole store a couple times, looking through everything and there's nothing. It then turns out, I've been in the store for about at least an hour and I still don't have a single thing. So I decide to do the next best thing, I walk around finding things that sort of look nice and just pick anything and everything that I might wear. By the end, I only end up with like 5 things. 
Once I'm home and I get the things out and try them on again. They end up looking weird on me. Its too long, which always happens since I'm only 5'3", or its too big, or its doesn't fit me around a certain area, and I just slump. I sit there and think, maybe I'll end up liking it later. 
Fast forward to later... I still don't like it, of course. Then I decide it's time to take these clothes back and buy something else with that money. Which I do. I find things way cuter and something I would definitely wear. Then I live happily ever after! 
I don't know if that only ever happens to me, but I struggle with it all the time. Why is that? Why do I get so overwhelmed when I have the opportunity to buy whatever I want? WHYYY?....


  1. I'm 5 foot tall and I feel your pain. There are a bunch of cute chunky sweaters I can't wear cause I look like I'm drowning in them. Plus my legs are so skinny so I find it so hard to find a perfect pair of jeans. So basically, I can still shop in the kids section....

    1. haha same. As hard as it is finding things, I feel like we're lucky we have the kids section. We have cute things and its cheaper!! yay small people.
