Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Monday, January 12, 2015

Boredom Kills

I'm no expert in what you should do with your life to keep yourself active and busy. BUT I am an expert in being bored.
Out of 100%, I am bored 85% of the time. *I live a sad life*. But there are times where I wish I could get my lazy butt up and do something about it. I wish I could change my boredom and turn it into something that is good in life. 
So instead of doing them myself I thought I would share some of the things you guys can try doing to keep yourself busy or something. You don't have to. But here you go:
  1. Organize: I have recently thought about organizing my room and home so things look neat and cute at the same time. I live with my family and there being a 9 year old boy, 16 year old boy, and me, things seem super all over the place. There are papers, books, clothes, food, writing utensils, and bunch of other things everywhere. Like there isn't a place in this house where you won't find a pencil. TIP: Get wooden baskets, or metal baskets and put all the books and papers in there. It makes things look super neat and pretty. I might not sound like much, but they do so much to keep everything organized. You can even do this in your bathroom to keep all the bottles and different things all together and neat looking. For pencils and pens, get little cups or small vases and it looks artsy and cute and now there wont be pencils everywhere.  
  2. DIY: I have seen so many cute DIY's online. I have even attempted to make one. It turned out pretty cute, might I say. It's just a regular mason jar and puffy paint. I chose a silver one and made designs on the jar. It turns a normal looking jar into something different and cute. I have pens and pencils in it, so thats another thing. I also like putting make-up brushes or lip glosses and other things in these.
  3. Work-out: (HAH!). So I might not ever get myself to do this, but it is a really good use of your time. I don't think going to the gym is always needed. I mean you can do push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, planks(forearms or hands), squats(with and without weights), wall-sits(with and without weights), dance, meditate(even for just 5 minutes), and stretch. 
  4. Cook: This is something I think a lot of people might struggle with, but would help in a lot of ways. It gets you trying new things. It is healthier than going out to eat. It saves you a lot of money in the long run. It is just over all really good for you. 
Of course you don't have to all of them or even one of them. I thought I would share some things you can do. I definitely wish I would do some of these things. I am not going to be a hypocrite and say you should be doing these things when I can't even get myself to do it, but it never hurts to suggest. Maybe you need ideas and different activities to do. I don't know, but do let me know what else you think we can do when we're bored. I might start doing some because it is the New Year. I should try to change. 


  1. I know how you feel, I try to do what you've listed when I'm not doing anything productive which is 80% of the time... Sad but Blogging has helped cure my boredome at some point.

    x, Vivi Lien

    1. Samee!! I literally sit and write and read blogs like all the time now! haha
