Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Am I Alone?

Hey guys!!
So recently I have been feeling super bleh about how my life is. I literally don't know what I am doing anymore. I feel like I am always waiting for the day to end. I want to go out and do things, but as I have said before I don't get to hang out with a lot of my old friends and I don't really have any new ones. 
This sounds stupid saying out loud, but I feel like I am going to go crazy if I don't say it somewhere. I mean, I have told my brother this and a couple of my old friends, but I don't know why I still feel like I need to tell someone else, but I do. 
I am in a part of my life where I should be making big decisions about my future and making sure I do everything right so I do have a future. I have to go to school and do homework and pass classes and everything.
But I wish I could just stop. I want to scream my head off because everything is getting to be too much. I hate every second I am in school. I dread doing homework everything night. And recently, for some reason, I keep forgetting to do my homework. This usually NEVER happens. I used to be that person who no matter what, gets her homework done, because that was the easiest part of the class. I never really needed to write down what I needed to do, I usually just knew. But this semester, I have forgotten to do 5 homework so far. 
I feel like school is taking a huge part of me away from me. I use to be able to handle this. I used to tell myself only 4 years of college and I can be done, but now just 4 months of college scares me. I feel like I can't get myself to go through. 
On top of that, all my family friends keeps asking me about school and usually I would tell them that everything is good, but now I have to think twice about my answer and keep worrying about them asking me that because I am sick and tired of lying. 
I really wish I could just tell my parents that I don't want to go to school anymore. I want to start working. Even if its something little I just want to start working and stop wasting their money on sending me to school. 
Last Friday, I was walking through my school halls, where they had offices for different things like managing money or helping out the community. I was fine, just going from my class to the bathroom and back. And then I started thinking about if the counselors office were there or not. Then I kid you not, I wanted to cry. I wanted to walk into the counselors office and just bawl my eyes out. I am seriously scared about my life right now. Nothing is going right anymore. 
This is the first time in my life where school has effected my life this much. It gives me anxiety and this pressure to stay perfect, but I can't anymore. I am breaking... and I don't really know what to do and how to handle this.
I, sometimes, wish something horrible would happen to me, so I wouldn't have to go to school anymore. I know it's not the right this or a good thing, but I would sit and imagine me getting a concussion or something random and minor where I wouldn't have to deal with school. 
I am sorry if this was too much to put up. I don't know what to do anymore and how to stop feeling this way. I was hoping some of you guys might have some advice on what to do. Let me know. Thanks!

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