Elegantly Naked

Elegantly Naked

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Major Crisis

Recently I feel like I'm stuck. I feel like I don't want to be where I am. I want my life to be different. I wish I could be different. 
I am a 19 year old, about to go to her 3rd year of college and has NO idea what she wants in her life, but it's definitely not where she's headed now. 
I am stuck with the responsibility of taking care of my family. I am stuck trying to keep up our family reputation/honor/status. I am stuck with my major. 
My issue, for many, is not a big deal. I want to be a stay home mom in the future. But before all of that happens, I obviously need to go and get a good job. And what's a good job without a degree. I don't see myself working in an office, I don't see myself as a doctor, engineer, or anything for that matter. I just see myself as a mother. And I feel like I now live in an era where that is what women shouldn't be. They should be independent, hard-working, self made, and all that other amazing things that I'M NOT. 
Because I don't have a clue what I am interested in learning, I have been told to go into maths, because math is in everything. It's been a year since I decided that and I feel like that was the worst year of school I've ever had. I try so hard to do good, but all I seem to do is fail. I feel like I'm going nowhere with math. And when I try to find something else I can be passionate about, I'm stopped, told to reverse, and go back to what I've been told to do. 
Doing math makes me slowly lose myself. For the past year now, I have started getting anxieties. I get panic attacks, I lose my breath, and I just feel like I'm drowning. All I can think about is failing. Failing myself, my parents, my family, our reputation, our everything.
America is the land of opportunity. That's why my family moved here. So they can leave their world behind and start a better one for their family. I understand that. But I don't know if it;s the right place for me. 
I would rather work all day and all night than go to school. It's like my own personal jail. I can't stop thinking about it. I am forced to think, breathe, and live math and I just cant. But I don't know if it's just math. 
I also have a fear of failing. Disappointing others. My family especially. And I know they want the best for me, but sometimes it's just they are purposely making it harder for me. They have rejected me so many times and chose the "better" option. And I know it's suppose to be better, but it doesn't seem like it. 
All I want in life is to get married, have kids, and take care of my family and parents. 
And because of this one decision, I feel like a complete failure. I'm not driven, I can't do anything right. I am being torn apart one by one. I just feel like leaving it all behind. Going somewhere else and forgetting all my problems. It scares me, but I just want the pain to go away. I don't want to end up doing something bad to myself. And it scares me to think that I might be close to doing it. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Hello Everybody!!!!
So recently my dad brought home some new shampoos and conditioner and a bunch of other stuff. He got a lot of L'Oreal stuff. I think it might be new because I have never seen it before. I'm not usually the one to buy shampoos and conditioners. I let my mom do all that. 
But this time my dad got it and it was different. I am not all sure about how the shampoo is for my hair because I have not tried that all by itself yet. I have been using the shampoo and the balm together. 
The balm comes in a tub-like container and you use it like conditioner and leave it in for about 3-5 minutes. It claims that it will fix up to a years worth of damage. Now, I don't know about that.
My hair is super dry, especially since it's winter and it gets really damaged. I also have this thing where I find like a bunch of little fuzz in my hair because of how dry and frizzy my hair gets. I then end up not brushing my hair because it gets super tangled. I hated letting it down, hated having up in a bun or a pony tail, and I hated having it braided. Literally, I could not deal with my hair at all. I just wanted to chop it off. So I thought I would try it out. No harm in that.
At first I didn't see much of a change.And after a while I really noticed a big difference. 
Now I am not a professional on hair and don't know what is right and wrong for your hair and what feels good and what doesn't. But this balm is, personally, doing so much for me. 
My hair feels like how it does after I go and get treatment done at a hair salon.
Usually after I put in a different conditioner and rinse it off, I feel like the conditioner comes off my hair like it did nothing. But this product, I can feel it instantly help my hair. Then as I brush it after drying it, I notice that my hair is super soft. Then throughout the day I can tell that my hair feels more hydrated and healthier. 
My hair feels, honestly, amazing. I love it. I am so happy my dad got this balm thing. I have never been so happy with a hair product before in my life. It has done miracles. 
I have been using it like 2-3 times a week when I shower, but I as I continue using it, I feel like I don't need to. Like my hair still feels good after using the shampoo. I think I might try and see how it feels when I use it like once or twice a week. If that still works, I want to stick to that, because it really has done so much already, I don't feel like I need to continue using it so much. 
But yeah. I hope that you guys enjoyed reading this post. I don't usually have favorites, but this product is so amazing I HAD to share it with someone. Let me know if you have tried this product before and how it worked out for you. Let me know if you do buy and how you like it.
It's called the Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 Damage Erasing Balm and Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 Restoring Shampoo. We also have the conditioner, but I haven't used it yet. If you want that one as well, it is Advanced Haircare Total Repair 5 Restoring Conditioner.
Shampoo: http://www.lorealparisusa.com/en/Products/Hair/Hair-Care/Shampoo-Conditioner/Advanced-Haircare-Total-Repair-5-Restoring-Shampoo.aspx?shade=Total-Repair-5-Restoring-Shampoo-126-oz - $4.99
Conditioner: http://www.lorealparisusa.com/en/Products/Hair/Hair-Care/Shampoo-Conditioner/Advanced-Haircare-Total-Repair-5-Restoring-Conditioner.aspx?shade=Total-Repair-5-Restoring-Conditioner-126-oz - $4.99
Balm: http://www.lorealparisusa.com/en/Products/Hair/Hair-Care/Treatments/Advanced-Haircare-Total-Repair-5-Damage-Erasing-Balm-85oz.aspx - $6.99

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Spring Fashion

Hey guys!! 
So I realized that spring break is coming up soon! A lot of people tend to go out traveling to warmer places or something fun. So I thought I might add a couple of outfits or clothing that I liked and write a blog about it. 
I know that some people live or are traveling to warmer places and some wont be, so I'm going to just write about different things you can wear for different weather. Where I live, we still need at least a light jacket, but I thought I would find some stuff that just reminds me of spring. 

This first one is super laid back. I love cropped tops. I think they're like a super cheeky thing. Especially with the loose ones, I think they look cute without looking like you're showing too much skin. I love her blue theme with her flats. And having your jeans or pants rolled up is, personally, like saying that it's getting warmer and super cute. 

So this is for those girls who live in colder places, but still want something springy. I love wearing cute clothes, but sometimes I get mad that I can't show it off during colder times because I am wrapped up in thick jackets. So for the spring time, I think it's super cute to have a fun colored jacket like this. I have one that is blue from Michael Kors and I think it's just perfect to add a bit of fun when you can show you cute outfit.

I think this outfit would be really nice to wear on like a casual date. The high-waisted skirt is quite feminine, but you can keep it super simple and casual with the top and sandals. I love the matching purse and the sunglasses that go with it too. Just imagine this with a sunset. 

This one is for obviously the places where it's warmer. I really loveeee high waisted everything right now and I thought this swim wear looks absolutely gorgeous. I love the color for the bottoms and the to is so different and I just love that it's stripes so that's really cute. I also love how she has it paired with sunglasses and big floppy hat. Just love it! 

 This last one is so casual, I love it. I think it would be really nice to wear on like a laid back day, going shopping or something. You can wear just the dress if it gets warm or layer it with the scarf and the cardigan. I also really love floppy hats and round sunglasses, I don't know if you can tell. I think that her shoes are just bring her outfit together. I just loved the color of this outfit. The pastel is so simple and cute for the spring times. 

So there are some of the outfits I thought would be really cute to try out this spring. I am currently loving high-waisted, round glasses, floppy hats and pastel things, so I kind of stuck with that theme. Let me know which ones you liked. If you want to see more outfits that I like you can follow me on Pinterest. I literally have a fashion board for each season and a bunch of other ones as well. Check it out! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Am I Alone?

Hey guys!!
So recently I have been feeling super bleh about how my life is. I literally don't know what I am doing anymore. I feel like I am always waiting for the day to end. I want to go out and do things, but as I have said before I don't get to hang out with a lot of my old friends and I don't really have any new ones. 
This sounds stupid saying out loud, but I feel like I am going to go crazy if I don't say it somewhere. I mean, I have told my brother this and a couple of my old friends, but I don't know why I still feel like I need to tell someone else, but I do. 
I am in a part of my life where I should be making big decisions about my future and making sure I do everything right so I do have a future. I have to go to school and do homework and pass classes and everything.
But I wish I could just stop. I want to scream my head off because everything is getting to be too much. I hate every second I am in school. I dread doing homework everything night. And recently, for some reason, I keep forgetting to do my homework. This usually NEVER happens. I used to be that person who no matter what, gets her homework done, because that was the easiest part of the class. I never really needed to write down what I needed to do, I usually just knew. But this semester, I have forgotten to do 5 homework so far. 
I feel like school is taking a huge part of me away from me. I use to be able to handle this. I used to tell myself only 4 years of college and I can be done, but now just 4 months of college scares me. I feel like I can't get myself to go through. 
On top of that, all my family friends keeps asking me about school and usually I would tell them that everything is good, but now I have to think twice about my answer and keep worrying about them asking me that because I am sick and tired of lying. 
I really wish I could just tell my parents that I don't want to go to school anymore. I want to start working. Even if its something little I just want to start working and stop wasting their money on sending me to school. 
Last Friday, I was walking through my school halls, where they had offices for different things like managing money or helping out the community. I was fine, just going from my class to the bathroom and back. And then I started thinking about if the counselors office were there or not. Then I kid you not, I wanted to cry. I wanted to walk into the counselors office and just bawl my eyes out. I am seriously scared about my life right now. Nothing is going right anymore. 
This is the first time in my life where school has effected my life this much. It gives me anxiety and this pressure to stay perfect, but I can't anymore. I am breaking... and I don't really know what to do and how to handle this.
I, sometimes, wish something horrible would happen to me, so I wouldn't have to go to school anymore. I know it's not the right this or a good thing, but I would sit and imagine me getting a concussion or something random and minor where I wouldn't have to deal with school. 
I am sorry if this was too much to put up. I don't know what to do anymore and how to stop feeling this way. I was hoping some of you guys might have some advice on what to do. Let me know. Thanks!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

School Stress

Since it is February, my classes have start up again. I am back in school and will be there for the next 4 months. 
School literally just started and I CANNOT wait until it's over. whyyyy!!!
I have recently been going through this phase where I don't want to go to school anymore. I mean I never really liked school to begin with, but recently I have been really doubting myself. Like REALLY!!
Now I don't know if this is coming from me hating my major (math), me going through a phase in my life (all my friends are going through this as well), or if I am just not meant for the school life. 
Now you might be sitting there reading this and thinking, YOU'RE OVER REACTING! But I assure you, I am not. 
It might be a college student issue. Starting to live in the real world and maybe the stress is getting to me. 
I also hate the thought of wasting my parents money. They are working hard and getting me into college and I'm not even sure about any of this. They want me to go to college and get a degree, but for what? Something I don't even like. I really appreciate everything they are doing for me, but sometimes I want to just stop and tell the how I really feel. 
I've got super strict asian parents, so life is even harder.
Now I am going to tell you something weird. I don't mind the thought of working hard. Like hard labor. Like 14 hour shifts kind of hard labor. The thought of that sounds better than going to school. I am the type of person (I may be the only person) who hates just sitting there. Unless it's something I like or watching movies or something I ACTUALLY enjoy with all my heart, I can't stand just sitting in one spot. Even when I do enjoy something so much, sitting there just gets so.... boring after a period of time.  
That's the same with school. You go to a class and just sit there... learning. 
Then I think about my future after getting a job and I think about some really boring jobs where I sit in a cubicle for hours and hours, just sitting there, working on a computer. The sound of that is just horrid. I would rather be working hard and doing something, walking around, just anything so I don't have to just sit there. 
Now you might think I'm nuts at this point, but I feel like I have a valid reason to be myself. 
Some people enjoy going to school and learning new things and I ENVY those people. I wish I was the type of person who wanted to learn and stuff. But I'm not. 
I feel like if I started working now, I could start earning money and everything. I feel like that would be better than me going to college and not really liking what I am doing. I'm not even good at school. I don't know. 
Let me know if any of you guys are dealing with this or have dealt with it. 
Any advice? (any would help)

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Great And Wonderful Mall

So I went over to my friends house the other day. Whenever I hang out with her one of three things ALWAYS happens. We either go get coffee, get Chipotle, or go shopping. Yesterday was one of those days where we did all three. Yes, the JOY!!
We went to a couple of different stores and although I found a couple things I kind of liked, I didn't think it was worth it to buy now and pay with my money. I'll just wait until it gets closer to summer time and then my mom will just buy things for me for our trip to India!
Here are some of the things that I really just HAD to buy and it was pretty cheap. 

I got this earring from Forever 21. I am recently really into like boho/indie/gypsy jewelry and I love the crystal ones, so I had to have this. It was super simple and it just spoke out to me and told me to buy it. My friend also really liked it on me, so yeah. This was only $4.99.

This is from a different store. Although I wanted to buy something like this from Forever 21, I couldn't find any. We then went to Dry Goods and I found this. There were a couple different color choices, but this one (turquoise) was more appealing to me. This one was $8.99 and worth it.  

I also went to Lush! Obvs. This one is called the Fizzbanger Ballistic. It is a Bath Bomb and it smells amazing. I can't wait to try it out. This was $5.95

This is called the Love Locket Ballistics, a Bath Bomb. I wanted to buy this the last time I went to Lush, but I had bought so many already I didn't want to get another. And this is HUGEEE. The lady at the store told me I can use it up to three times.  $11.95, which makes sense. 

Now I'm not sure what this smells like, but I had written it down to buy it, so I'm sure it smells like a flower or something. I also thought it looked SUPER cute! It is called Tisty Tosty and it's a Bath Bomb. This one was $6.35. 
This one is called Sakura, a Bath Bomb. It was also on my list. Sadly I must've hit it on something or set it down too hard. It broke a little. But that's ok. This one was $6.45.

This is called the Big Blue, another Bath Bomb. This was another one that I really wanted to get the last time, but decided against it. So I got it this time. It was $6.40.
I hope you guys enjoyed that. I noticed I only got like Bath Bombs this time, which is weird because I LOVE my bubble baths. Let me know which ones are your favorite and if you've used any of them. They are all new to me, so I can't wait to try them out. 

I also want to kind of update you guys on my last Lush products that I got. I've use the Rose Jam Bubbleroon, Creamy Candy Bubble Bar, Bright Side, and the Rose Queen Bath Bomb. 
I am SERIOUSLY in LOVE with the Rose Jam Bubbleroon and the Creamy Candy Bubble Bar. The Rose Jam one left my skin feeling SOOO freaking smooth, like you don't understand. I usually have really dry and bad skin especially during the winter time, so that did wonders to my skin. LOVED it, Recommend it, I will go and purchase more in the future for sure! 
The Creamy Candy one did the same for me as the Rose Jam, but I think this one smells more heavenly for me personally. I usually Hate the smell of bubble gum or candy, but this one was definitely amazing! 
The Rose Queen one was pretty good. I loved the smell. I Love Roses, if you can't tell. It had pieces of petals, twigs, and other bits and bobs, if you're into that. I didn't mind it. Loved that one as well, and I will probably get more of it. 
The Bright Side, I finally figured out which one that was, was good. It was really citrusy and fresh. I was ok with that one. It didn't do wonders to my skin, but didn't hate it. I use it on my little brother since he loves bubble baths and his skin could use a little help as well. This one also doesn't smell to girly, so he likes that.   
I think that's all I've used so far. I broke  a couple of them into pieces since like half of it goes a long way. I used the one for my brother 4 times because it's just that big. 
Hopefully that might give you guys a little more insight to the Lush products, if you guys were curious. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Bit Weird

Everyone has habits. I mean there has to be.
There is always something we do when we're nervous, scared, worried, happy, bored, or even all the time. 
For me there are a lot of things I think are weird and maybe could qualify as habits, 
but that's not what I'm here to talk about. I am here to talk about my weirdest and most random habits.
Sometimes I do this when I'm bored. When I need time to pass and don't really care about my surrounding. Other times, I just do it because I can.
And here they are. 
So being a girl means long hair. Being me means long damaged hair. It's not that I don't take care of them, I do. But that's another story. 
With this long hair, I have the access to look at it, especially the ends. Which means, yes you guessed it, split-ends. I have the worst habit of pulling at my split-ends. The minute I remember I have hair, which I do sometimes forget I do have, I have to mess with it. I even somehow manage to do it when I have it up in a pony-tail and a bun. Like I will go through so much, just to play with my hair. I'm not the only one in the world who does that, obvs, but I feel like I pass a limit of doing it. Then at the end of whatever I am doing, I look down at my lap and, of course, I have a pile of hair. GROSS. So I awkwardly try to push it off me without people noticing, which isn't easy when there are a class full of students or room full of people. 
Another weird habit I have is picking at my cuticles. There isn't ever really a time when I'm not picking at my cuticles. I mean, I take care of my nails and stuff, but my cuticles, I swear hates me. It is never not dry. I have gotten like many cuticle creams and stuff, and I even got through a couple weeks using it daily, but that was like high-school. Everyday in my Genocide class my friends would ask for it, so then I would use it too, but ever since high-school ended, I have always had dry cuticles. It's only my middle, pointer, and thumbs that are always dry too. Like why? On both hands. I don't know how to remind myself to keep using the cuticle creams, but god I wish it would stop. 
And the worst one is biting my lips. Now, I'm not talking sexy lip biting. I'm talking full on gnawing on my lips and inner lip/mouth area. I don't really remember how it started. It must've been on a very bad dry lip day or something, but that started and it has gone bad to shit from there. I can't stop. I try and say to myself 'Alrighty, today I'm going to try and not bite my lips', but that doesn't work. I try for a bit then I end up saying 'screw it'. I even made a joke New Year's Resolution to not bite my lips and I have FAILED!!! clearly. I even ran out of gum, which usually keeps my teeth busy, so it's really bad right now. It also doesn't help that it's winter here. 
So those are my super weird and random habits. Well, at least I think they're weird and random, but you might not. What are some of your bad habits? Are you willing to accept it's a bad habit? I don't know. 
Let me know if any of you guys struggle with this And let me know if you have found a way out. Help a sister out!!!  

Friday, January 23, 2015

Infinity Dream Award

I have been nominated by Jessica-Jem. 
Thank you!!!
Do give her a follow.

Thank and follow the blog that nominated you.
Tell us 11 facts about you.
Answer the questions set up for you.
Nominate 11 people and make questions for them.


I am from United States of America (Minnesota)

I was born in India and lived there for 7 years

I am currently going to college, but really don't know why

I love summer

I used to be in danceline

I want to live in a small town where everyone knows each other

I want to be a stay-home-wife/mom

I love fashion/make-up

I love shopping for me and other people

I wish I was good at art

People I would pay money to see at concerts: One Direction, 5SOS, Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith, Taylor Swift, Eminem


Do you have any hobbies?
- I love swimming

What's your favorite TV shows?
- I love The Vampire Diaries, Baby Daddy, Modern Family, The Middle, Nashville, Gossip Girl, Friends,... I have a lot

What's the best thing about where you are from?
- The best thing about where I am from is we have MOA-- Mall of America. It's about 30 minute drive from where I live and since I love shopping, that's just amazing

What kind of cell phone do you have?
- I have the silver iPhone 5s

What's your favorite animal?
- It's between dogs and turtles

What's an embarrassing moment you've had?
- I can never really remember any when I am asked, but when I am randomly thinking about things I always remember them. For now I would say... I don't know. I'm sure I fell or something

What's the meaning behind your blog name?
- Elegantly Naked--- I was thinking about fashion and styles when I came up with this name. I love wearing anything and everything, but I love being classy so that's where elegantly came from. The naked part is because I love simple things, so I chose naked because there's nothing more simple and natural than naked

What's your favorite type of music/artist?
- I usually just like any pop music, but recently my brother has been trying to get me into like 90's rap music and I am starting to like that as well

What is one thing you can't live without?
- I would say family. I don't know what or where I would be without my family

What is one of your life goals?
- I really want to go around the world and help those in need

What's your favorite sport?
- Either football (american) or dance

Who is your celebrity crush?
What's your favorite thing from your wardrobe?
If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
Bath or shower?
What are your thoughts on snow?
What's your best or favorite memory?
What do you want to do in the future?
What's your dream house?
Out of 10, how hot is sun?
How many places have you visited?
What make-up do you have to have on?


Thank you so much for nominating me!! Hope you guys enjoy! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Lush Haul Plus Perfume

Alright then. 
I lost my shit and got some stuff. 
I don't really have an excuse for the Lush items except 'let me enjoy my life'. But for the perfume, I need it for my trip to India this summer and thought I would buy it now and just get it out of the way. I still have my other bottle, which still has like a fourth of the bottle left, but what the hell. 
So here's what I got!! Enjoy!

So this I got from Sephora. I know that Macy's have it for sure. I am sure you can find it in a lot of other stores as well. I went in to get the 3 oz one, but they ran out so I just got the 1.7 oz instead. I am honestly in love with this smell. I have read the ingredients that went into this and it says it's made from whatever yuzu is with pomegranate, peony, magnolia, lotus flower and a couple of other things, but for some reason I smell pink rose. My favorite smell in this world is pink rose. It specifically has to be pink. I don't know, but it smells better than other roses. And this really reminds me of that. I also like the ones from Chanel, but this one always wins my heart. I would say this is like my signature scent, so I'll probably keep buying this forever. This is called Versace Bright Crystal (kinda obvious) and it cost $70. If you guys are interested the 3 oz costs $90. 

This is also a Bath Bomb. It is the Butterball. It is made out of vanilla and stuff. I liked the sound of that so I got it. It also smells quite nice. This cost $4.95, so that was nice. 

I wrote this one in my notes as the pink Boobs. I thought you would want to know. I honestly don't even know. But this is another Bubble Bar. It is the Rose Jam Bubbleroon. It's another rose one, so I had to get it. This feels super like smooth. Yeah.  This one was $6.25.

This one is the Blackberry Bath Bomb. It looks really like a pastel purple in here, but in real life, it looks more darker with like a hint of blue. I got this because I love eating blackberry so I thought I would try bathing in it.... This one was $6.35

This is the Creamy Candy Bubble Bar. I really thought this looked cute. I mean look at the little flower. Adorable! This one was $7.40

I can't really remember which this one was. I tried looking it up on line and there are two that looked similar to it. So this is either Bright Side, which was $10.95, or Karma, which was $8.60. I was kind of rushing as I got this so I can't really remember what this smells like. But I am sure I will enjoy non-the-less.  They were both Bubble Bars so I am sure of that. I think. I don't know. Don't take my word for that. 

This is from Lush Obvi! It's the Rose Queen Bath Bomb. It smells like heaven, so I had to have it. And I do love me my roses. It was $5.25

So that was my haul, kinda. Does 7 things count as a haul? I don't know. I am going to call it that. I really am so freaking excited to try out the Lush Bath Bombs and the Bubble Bars. I might just keep my perfume in the box and take it to India like that. My other ones should last me for 4 more months. 
But yeah! Hope you guys enjoyed that. Let me know if you guys figure out what that orange Bubble Bar is. And if you have any questions about where to find theses things or anything else, also let me know!!! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


So once again, I have gone shopping. It was fun, it was crazy, I went a little mental, and most importantly I have more clothes!! Yayy. Celebrate with me. 
Anyways. I went to H&M, Marshall, and Forever21. Obvs. And I basically stuck to a pattern here. 
I am really into cropped tops lately, so I went a bit crazy with those. I already have like a stripy one, 2 black ones, cat patterned, and a floral one, but a girl can never have too many clothes. 
SO. Here they are. 

This is from H&M. This one is white stripes with a more sheer see through material with it. I got this in a medium because I sometimes like my cropped top better loose. With this being sort of see through I didn't want a tight one where it could literally see through. This was also on sale for $5.00.

This is another one from Forever21. It is just a cropped top. It's kind of like a turtle neck, but not really. I also got this in a medium, because it looked really small so I didn't wanna take any chances of it being too tight. This was $6.99 not on sale. 

This one is from Marshall. I got this a bit before I got these other ones. I seriously love this because other spaghetti strapped blouses usually go down and show my non-existence boobs to everyone, but this one actually stays up. I really love this color for some reason. I got this one for $12.99.

This one is from H&M. I found this color so pretty. It's just a basic maroon. I love this texture. It's like a zig-zag pattern and it feels thicker than normal skirts. I thought it was lovely for around this time of the year. Of course I'll pair it up with tights underneath. It reaches like mid-thigh and it's high waisted. I got this one for $17.95.

This one is from Forever21. This one and the bottom one are the same pants. You can't really tell how high it reaches on this picture so I thought I would put up a side way picture to show you. It is pleather of course. I really like this one. It is super comfy to wear and it goes with basically everything. It is semi high waisted and I just love it. I got this for $19.90.

This one is a dark-ish green one. It feels amazing. It's like a velvet material and I really liked it for a more wintery season. I got this from Forever21. It was on sale for  $5.90. So that was great.
This is from Forever21. It was not on sale, but I seriously loved it. It has more of a summer vibe. I don't think you can tell, but the color is more navy blue. The back has a little slash overlapping each other, which I forgot to show. This was $17.95 and I LOVE it. 

This is from Forever21 as well. I already have like a billion knitted sweaters, but I fell in love with this one instantly. I mean look at it. It's a little puppy!!! Anyways, it has little studs going around the neck area which makes me feel like a dog. But it's cute. I got this on clearance and it was only $6.99!

Now this last item is from H&M. It is a maroon stretchy high waisted pants. I didn't put it on because it is too small for me. I really like this pants, so I am going to go and return it and get it in a size bigger. I really like how it feels. It is super thin feeling and the zipper is on the side so I don't have to worry about the zipper bulge. I got this for $9.95.

So there's that. Let me know what you liked and what you did not like. I know I can't make the pleather pants look good on me because I am short and curvy. But non the less. I love it and I shall continue wearing it. Hope you did enjoy it. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Boredom Kills

I'm no expert in what you should do with your life to keep yourself active and busy. BUT I am an expert in being bored.
Out of 100%, I am bored 85% of the time. *I live a sad life*. But there are times where I wish I could get my lazy butt up and do something about it. I wish I could change my boredom and turn it into something that is good in life. 
So instead of doing them myself I thought I would share some of the things you guys can try doing to keep yourself busy or something. You don't have to. But here you go:
  1. Organize: I have recently thought about organizing my room and home so things look neat and cute at the same time. I live with my family and there being a 9 year old boy, 16 year old boy, and me, things seem super all over the place. There are papers, books, clothes, food, writing utensils, and bunch of other things everywhere. Like there isn't a place in this house where you won't find a pencil. TIP: Get wooden baskets, or metal baskets and put all the books and papers in there. It makes things look super neat and pretty. I might not sound like much, but they do so much to keep everything organized. You can even do this in your bathroom to keep all the bottles and different things all together and neat looking. For pencils and pens, get little cups or small vases and it looks artsy and cute and now there wont be pencils everywhere.  
  2. DIY: I have seen so many cute DIY's online. I have even attempted to make one. It turned out pretty cute, might I say. It's just a regular mason jar and puffy paint. I chose a silver one and made designs on the jar. It turns a normal looking jar into something different and cute. I have pens and pencils in it, so thats another thing. I also like putting make-up brushes or lip glosses and other things in these.
  3. Work-out: (HAH!). So I might not ever get myself to do this, but it is a really good use of your time. I don't think going to the gym is always needed. I mean you can do push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, planks(forearms or hands), squats(with and without weights), wall-sits(with and without weights), dance, meditate(even for just 5 minutes), and stretch. 
  4. Cook: This is something I think a lot of people might struggle with, but would help in a lot of ways. It gets you trying new things. It is healthier than going out to eat. It saves you a lot of money in the long run. It is just over all really good for you. 
Of course you don't have to all of them or even one of them. I thought I would share some things you can do. I definitely wish I would do some of these things. I am not going to be a hypocrite and say you should be doing these things when I can't even get myself to do it, but it never hurts to suggest. Maybe you need ideas and different activities to do. I don't know, but do let me know what else you think we can do when we're bored. I might start doing some because it is the New Year. I should try to change. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Why So Weird

Today I thought I would write about something I struggle with in my life. I think I'm not alone on this, so I thought 'I shall share my feelings'. 
My problem: MAJOR LAZINESS!!!
Let's be honest. Even if you're the least lazy person in this world, you just have those days where you don't feel like doing anything. Be honest with yourself. You know you have those days. 
Well, for me. I have a lot of them. It's not something that happens from time to time. It happens EVERYDAY! I don't mean to do it on purpose. I think. I mean there aren't many things a girl can do when she's overly protected by her parents. 
So what I do end up doing is: 
watching movies
watching tv shows
watching youtube videos
doing my nails
doing my make-up
doing nothing
being bored
look at facebook
look at instagram
look at tumblr
go back to facebook
then watch more youtube videos
As fun as that sounds. It's not. I mean sure sometimes you want nothing, but to cuddle up in bed and be a bum. But when you constantly do that every single day. You get TIRED. Like you actually get tired. The amount of times I sigh in a day is pretty much unhealthy. 
Of course I want to change. Of course. I want to do other things. I want to be more active. 
I want to:
go on a walk
go to the gym
go ice-skating
go shopping
go get a life
But it seems impossible at this point. 
So I have decided. I SHALL CONTINUE BEING LAZY. Because let's be honest. One day I'm going to have to be active. I'm going to have to work, take care of my own house, my family, my kids, cook, and clean. So I've decided. Why want all those active things when I can enjoy being lazy when I can actually be lazy. When my time comes, I will change and be all about that crazy busy life, but until then. I WILL BE A BUM, and like it.
So let me know if you guys can relate or not. Judge me? maybe I might change I don't know.... but yeah! I think for the next post I might write about what I wish I would do when I'm bored.
Now I am going to make lemon cake because I'm just a fatty like that.